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Studying Effectively, 7 Tips For Success

Tvesa Shah

Effective studying is a very controversial topic because everyone has a different understanding of what it is. I am in no way a professional, but in this blog, I have compiled a list of ways to make sure your studying is beneficial! This list consists of some personal findings and research from Oxford Learning. Now, here are 7 secrets to studying effectively so you can ace your next test or assignment!

One, pay attention in class

It is the easiest way to understand content. Why spend hours at home researching topics when you could just pay attention in the class? There’s no point in going to school if you have to come home and re-teach yourself everything. If you just pay attention in class, you won’t have to re-learn anything, and you’ll be able to study efficiently.

Two, take notes

I know that when you hear take notes, you think aesthetically pleasing, super neat and perfect notes. That’s not what you have to do! To be honest, you don’t have time to make pretty notes, use the time to study your notes instead. When you're in class, just keep a notebook open to write in any important information. A really good method of note-taking is the Cornell method.

You don’t always have to write down notes in class. You could always record the lesson, or take a picture of it (if you have permission to do so) and make notes at home. Try using different highlighters, pens, methods, etc. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it’s appealing to you and motivates you to study!

Three, create a space

In order to study well, you need to have a place where you can just sit down and get things done. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a desk; some people work well in the kitchen, or the living room, sometimes even their bed! I don’t recommend that you sit on your bed because you’ll be way too comfortable to work, but if that’s what helps, do it!

Make sure that wherever you’re sitting, you have everything you could possibly need. For example, have a water bottle, a light snack, pencils, highlighters, pens, erasers, notebooks, an agenda, and your computer. You don’t want to give yourself any chances to get up and distract yourself. This way, you’ll feel more organized and productive because you aren’t sitting at random spots every day.

Four, study with a group

Sometimes all you need is someone else there with you so you don’t lose focus. Having a classmate or friend can help you stay productive, and it’s beneficial for both of you. If you can’t meet up, give them a call! You’ll both be able to talk with each other from the comfort of your homes. This will give you a chance to test your knowledge, quiz each other on the content, and boost your confidence.

Five, steer clear of distractions

This one is quite self-explanatory. Keep things like your phone away from you when you’re trying to work. Make your only focus on the task at hand, and you’ll be able to complete it much faster and efficiently.

Six, work in short bursts

You don’t want to tire yourself out. Try having tiny study sessions, where you could work for 30 minutes and get a 10-minute break to do whatever you want. This way, you’ll feel refreshed, and won’t be staring at your screen instead of working. Taking short breaks or breathers will make you energized for what you need to do next.

Seven, ask questions

When you don’t understand a concept, are stuck on a problem, or just want to confirm something, ask questions! Asking questions can be the solution to almost all your problems. Oftentimes, people are too afraid to ask for help. However, when you don’t understand a lesson, let your teacher know. You may feel embarrassed, but you don’t have to be! Everyone has questions, but some people aren’t able to ask them. Who knows, you could be helping the entire class.

Those were seven ways to help you study more effectively. These will hopefully help you better prepare for an upcoming test or exam. Remember, not everything’s going to be perfect or easy, just try your best and go with the flow!

Work cited:

“How to Study Effectively: 12 Secrets for Success.” Oxford Learning, 24 Apr. 2018,

Edited by Riwa Amam.


Tvesa Shah is a grade 10 student currently enrolled in the IB program. She loves dancing, painting, and writing. In her free time, she enjoys baking and spending time outdoors!



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