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The Impacts of Having a Healthy Lifestyle


We have all heard of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle since it is beneficial for our overall health. The same old phrases circle around, such as, “eat lots of vegetables and fruits, drink a ton of water, exercise for at least an hour every day, and take in well-balanced portions of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, dairy etc.” However, exactly how much does this benefit the quality of our lives? Let’s take a look to evaluate how it impacts us and the way we live.


It has been found that sticking to a well-balanced diet helps boost happiness levels, as well as relieve the symptoms of several mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. The results of a recent study revealed, “the risk of depression increases about 80% when you compare teens with the lowest-quality diet, or what we call the Western diet, to those who eat a higher-quality, whole-foods diet. The risk of attention-deficit disorder (ADD) doubles," according to psychiatrist Drew Ramsey, who was involved in the study.

2.Academic performance

Living a healthy lifestyle has shown to improve a person’s overall memory and thinking. Furthermore, it increases students’ concentration, interests in school subjects, and the ability to understand different concepts or topics. A deep analysis from a DADOS study conducted in 2019 has revealed that “adolescents with a healthy lifestyle index ≥ 4 showed higher scores in academic grades compared with those with an index ≤ 2. Additionally, adolescents with a healthy lifestyle index ≥ 3 have an increased likelihood of achieving high AP”. Another research evidently indicated that, “children who are healthy are at low risk for school problems than students who are unhealthy. Students with good health tend to perform better in school than those with poor health. Problems that emanate from poor health include a higher probability of school failure, poor levels of concentration, grade retention, and dropout,” according to Thomas Matingwina, the author of Health, Academic Achievement and School-Based Interventions


A well-balanced diet has shown to be positively correlated with a growth mindset. People who have growth mindsets are individuals who believe that skills and goals can be achieved through hard work. They thrive and persist in the midst of challenges and aren’t setback by failures or mistakes. In other words, having a healthy lifestyle creates an overall positive outlook. In addition, it enhances coping skills during times of hardship. Did you know that while a healthy diet can lead to a healthy mindset, a healthy mindset can also lead to a healthy diet? Thus, it is incredibly vital to have both.

4.Relationships with others

Lastly, an individual may feel more appreciative of friends and family and feel less isolated if they have healthy living habits. They might also be more socially open and flexible in social events or environments. Moreover, a healthy person may be more likely to engage in taking new, fun, exciting experiences with others as doing so relates to having a positive mindset and a cheerful mood that also comes from taking part in wellness habits.

Tips to Sustain a Healthy Lifestyle

1.Set up and follow a healthy lifestyle plan. This plan can include which kind of physical activities you are going to do and what kind of food you are going to eat. It may also include a snack, meal, and exercising schedule.

2.Stay within your daily calorie need for your age, weight, and height. This means that your calorie intake in total for a day does not significantly surpass the appropriate calorie limit or is significantly below the limit.

3. Treat yourself to junk food and sweets once in a while. Eating unhealthy food every day is detrimental to your health, but rewarding yourself with a candy bar or a bag of chips every once in a while is completely okay. You can also purchase healthier, organic snacks to serve as alternatives that are just as delicious as the original. Just make sure to find that balanced diet that is suitable for you.

4.Drink a lot of water. Drinking an adequate amount of water is one of the most important components of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Drinking water keeps you hydrated and absorbs nutrients.

Fun Facts

1.About 60% of our body is composed of water

2.We are able to physically see if we have high cholesterol

3.Bananas improve our mood

4.Being optimistic in life increases your lifespan


Edited By: Khushi Kumari


Bianca is currently a high school student in North Carolina. She loves to help out as a community volunteer in places such as the YMCA and the local town center. During her free time, she often paints and writes blogs related to health wellness, medicine, and business. Bianca is excited to be a part of Just For You Tutoring and is looking forward to work with the members of the organization!

1 Comment

Sumal Ashfaq
Sumal Ashfaq
May 24, 2021

Such an in-depth article! I love all the facts and statistics you pulled, it made the blog very convincing. I can't wait to try some of these out!


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