Being productive has a lot of definitions although most of us think that means finishing work or finishing the tasks. Especially now, during this pandemic, we should try to be more productive or at least work one task a day. We'll be giving you tips on how you can be a productive student
1. Manage Your Time Properly
When doing tasks make sure you should keep track of how much time you are spending on each one. You should manage your time effectively and distribute your time accordingly to every task that you do.
2. Set Yourself Deadlines
One thing that you should be doing is setting deadlines to avoid procrastinating on your assignments. Aim for completing the assignment a day or two before the deadline.
3. Take Regular Breaks
“Students who try to cram for hours at a time do not perform at their peak. Our brain can only handle so much new information before we begin to tire and lessen our retention. Whether you take 5 minutes every hour or 30 minutes a few times a day, find a schedule that works best for you. Use this time to rest your mind and increase your productivity.” - College for Adult Learning
4. Plan Ahead
You can use a planner, bullet journal, or calendar for the upcoming coming weeks. Note down deadlines and tasks to keep track of what you should do to stay productive.
5. Choose (or make) a productive environment
“The right atmosphere might depend on what you’re trying to do: for hardcore learning, you might want library-like silence, for creative writing, maybe the buzz of a coffee shop is what you need to get your mind going. Experiment with different locations, and go for what works well for you.” - Exam Study Expert
6. Get Enough Time to Rest
You should get enough sleep to stay productive. Your mind needs to wind down and you should relax, this can increase your productivity in the long run - College for Adult Learning
7. Make It Enjoyable
Studying doesn’t have to be a chore or boring. You can listen to music or drink coffee, it depends on what you enjoy. You can also reward yourself after completing your tasks.
8. Write Your Notes
“Even though your classes are online, your notes don’t have to be. Take your study session offline and write out your notes. Go outside or settle into a comfy sofa to write them out. Getting into a new space and slowing down to write your notes on paper will help with retention and understanding of the material.” - The Link
9. Build a Routine
“If you're not used to this study from home situation, it's critical to establish a routine. For instance, set an alarm, wake up, and get dressed to get yourself into a productive mood. Treat your day like any other, whether you're going into school or not.” - School Finder
10. Dress The Part
Even though you are at home for this semester, you can dress like you’re in school. “Something as simple as getting ready in the morning as if you were going to school can put your mind in a more determined, focused state. This can help you get into that focused, productive mindset. In other words, if you dress the part of a focused student, you have a better chance of acting the part of a focused student.” - College Vine
These tips can help you be productive as a student even though we are still in quarantine. You can apply these tips in your daily life and make the best out of this school year even though it will be different from the usual school experience but you can still make the most out of it.
Resource Links
College Vine:
Exam Study Expert:
School Finder:
The College of Adult Learning:
The Link :
Liannah is one of the blog writers for Just For You Tutoring. She is a senior in High School in California. She likes Kpop but especially, Girls Generation, EXO, and Red Velvet. She enjoys writing, Youtube, vlogging, and makeup.