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The Importance of Education


Education is fundamentally a valuable asset for humans. It is one of the primary factors in one’s life that helps them to face most challenges. Education is the primary tool for succession in today’s society which reveals the importance of education itself. Therefore, it is said that education helps in finishing one's character, discipline, curiosity, knowledge and right livelihood. It is the reason that educated people are known as the prestigious faces of society.

There are lots of reasons why education is important in one’s life. The very first thing that one can get is their livelihood. Education is a platform by which one can achieve success and reach the top of their destination. Typically, the more educated you are, the wealthier you are although this is never a guarantee.

Education improves the mentality and behaviour of people. A quality education system in a country lessens corruption and terrorism. Education makes a person accountable and complies with citizens' laws. Also, they work thoughtfully and improve their social status. Such qualities sometimes offer them the recognition of a good leader or respected profession.

In earlier days, there was a lack of education. But today, education systems are growing exponentially and thus, people enlarge their views all over the world. Education starts in childhood and lasts a lifetime.

Benefits of Education for Us

  • Secured career- Educated people have a key to secure their future. Almost every sector requires a degree or higher qualification to offer a job. Some people work hard to become a professional in the field and get higher pay. Also, education shapes the income of the individuals that’s why educated people live a prosperous life.

  • Improve Personality: Education improves the personality of humans. An educated individual is brave, confident and smart as well. Education makes humankind generous.

Benefits of Education for Society

  • Empowerment: Education makes one deal with every given situation in life and allows one to be aware of the rules and regulations of society. A well-educated community can shape the functioning of governments and contribute to the economy.

  • Socialization: Education assists in completing the process of socialization. After parents, schools deliver education to children to improve their knowledge and skills. They are taught the sense of wrong and right, consideration for others, fair play and honesty that matters in citizenship, upholding the laws, co-operation, etc.

  • Transmits the Central Heritage: Every society is balanced by the involvement of its culture that carries music, religion, philosophy, art, literature, beliefs and skills. Cultures are mainly dispatched by social foundations and education has a leading role in radiating cultures or social heritage. A cultured person is the outcome of a robust education system.

  • Social Bonding: Educated societies have a strong bond between its individuals. People from all regions and backgrounds gather to collect knowledge. Thus, education is the primary requirement that brings youth together and forms a unique bonding between them.

  • Help Communities: People collect knowledge, not for themselves but to help out other communities and society. Professionals such as doctors, engineers, etc. give facilities and share their knowledge with others.

Benefits of Education for A Country

  • Development: Education is the primary reason behind the success story of the country. People invented lots of gadgets, machines, instruments, communication tools, etc. A country well-equipped with science and technology is known as a strengthening and advanced country.

  • Maintain Environment: Those who are educated in environmental protection love to live in a safe, hygienic and fresh climate. They help to preserve nature and their professional manners require them to live green. Additionally, they know the value of natural resources, thus protecting them.

  • Choose a Good Leader: Educated people understand the difference between a good and a bad leader for their country to lead. Educated people know why to vote for a party to bring a positive resolution to the development of the country.

  • Prevent Poverty: Due to the lack of education, people are often unemployed which leads to low economy of the country. The plight of a country obstructs its progress and development. Thus, education is necessary to boost economic growth and increase income.

  • Health Standard: Education also promotes the health status of a country. A quality education provides many pharmacists and doctors who improve the overall health systems. Therefore, the citizens of a nation live healthy and happy.

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Aanandita is a grade 11 student attending North Delta Secondary School. Her favourite subjects are Math and Science. In future, she hopes to pursue a career in Sciences.


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