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Importance of Languages


Understanding more than one language is important since we live in a multilingual world that is constantly being linked internationally. There are more than 7000 languages in the modern environment and understanding at least one can benefit you significantly in life. Although it has been shown that learning another language is easier for children, it is certainly never too late to start learning, and the rewards undoubtedly encourage commitment and devotion. Overall there are three key significant reasons to learn a language and they are helping you develop your career, raising awareness about other cultures, and improving your understanding and awareness of your own language.

Most job prospects nowadays require one to know more than one language, so learning more in a very critical way opens up more possibilities. In order to have access, as more and more firms continue to sell globally, individuals also start career paths for which they do not need language skills. They are then asked to move globally, or are provided with a promotion that actually wants language skills. Few may deny this argument by saying that there are plenty of other jobs available, but this is definitely no longer the case with the economic crisis and more countries being multicultural.

To elaborate, understanding more than one language is essential because of the fact that it enhances multicultural knowledge that helps one to connect and communicate with numerous individuals. All good language teaching and learning methods include learning about the culture that utilizes said language, since this knowledge encourages individuals from diverse nationalities and backgrounds to get along very well together, which, including the high levels of unemployment, is extremely important. A lack of integration is particularly difficult for many nations with high immigration rates. This is mostly attributed to the language barrier, because immigrant workers end up being divided, living in neighborhoods where their own language is spoken. These issues can be found even by those who say they don't really care about knowing people from different nations, and they should understand the importance of other languages. At this point in my life, I have perfected my fluency in 3 languages: English, Punjabi and Hindi and I aspire to learn more, currently I am working on my Spanish.

Finally, people should learn additional languages since it helps with the mastery of their own language and therefore it is acknowledged to be beneficial for the brain. Some may believe that knowing more languages leads to misunderstanding, but this is actually not the case. Additionally, to better understand grammar and vocabulary, one should study languages with close origins, for instance, Italian, French and Spanish.

Overall, there are many advantages and benefits of mastering a new language, that can not be disregarded. As previously stated, it leads to one’s emotional, physical, academic and personal growth. Not only that, but it also extends your world view and it enhances career knowledge. For the age of the learners, or for the number of languages a person would like to learn, there are no limitations. The planet would potentially be a wealthier and more sustainable place if enough individuals and groups would become multilingual.


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